Name That TOOL #15
by Bikeman • September 22, 2023
This was as much fun as the Attic What IZIT used to be back in the early days of the internet. Being an ol' fashioned bike shop since the 70's, we've seen a lot of technology and "standards" come and go. As a result we have a lot of mostly outdated tools around the shop. For this contest we'd dig out an old tool and put it out to our visitors to identify. Much like we are posting reruns of the What IZIT we'll try to dust off one of these gems every week or so for a walk down memory lane.
A funny thing happened when we dusted off the ol' hard drive and pulled these 'Name That TOOL' articles out of cold storage. We came across a few orphans that actually didn't have an answer recorded. It doesn't seem possible because there were newer posts that did have answers. Nonetheless, whether it was an oversight nearly two decades ago or digital mice chewing through the data, there is a void in our encyclopedia. So in 'Name That Tool' fashion we're gonna put it to you our dear readers to take a stab. Who knows, maybe some of our old contributors will come out of the woodwork to take part again.
Just as we did back then we're going to incentivize the fun. Contact us with the correct answer and you can win yourself a pair of brand new Bikeman merino socks.
The original intro to this contest still applies...
"If you think at first glance you know what this is... Take a longer look it may not be as easy as you think. We are looking for the tool Manufacturer as well as functionality. Creativity always breaks a tie and a story of personal experience with the tool could win you the prize."